Our Lives As They Really Are

In Heaven Everyone Will Shake Your Hand: The Art of Julie Baldyga
In Heaven Everyone Will Shake Your Hand: The Art of Julie Baldyga
In Heaven Everyone Will Shake Your Hand: The Art of Julie Baldyga

In Heaven Everyone Will Shake Your Hand: The Art of Julie Baldyga

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An in-depth look into the art of Julie Baldyga, an extraordinary self-taught artist.

Doctors advised Julie Baldyga's parents to institutionalize her, saying that she could be a danger to herself and others. Fortunately, her parents refused: Julie grew up to be a luminous human and a brilliant, prolific artist.

This collection of oil pastels, ceramics, and “heavenly people” showcases this incredible artist and serves as a poignant reminder of what is possible when we refuse to write people off.

144 pages; 11x11; full color; soft cover